Equalizer allows you to bring out the character of the sound, adjust it to your taste and improve the overall listening experience. However, used unskillfully it can lead to unpleasant consequences.
Equalizer is a useful and practical tool for improving the sound tone and emphasizing its “soul”. Used correctly it can work wonders, used incorrectly it can have unpleasant consequences. It is often better to leave it alone. More information on this topic can be found here.
The Equalizer Was Created to Make the Music Resound Regardless of The Room Acoustics
The purpose of the equalizer was to bring out the beauty of the music even in places where there were no conditions for this. Many rooms do not provide proper acoustics, so some sounds may be muffled. This is especially true if the speakers are placed in an incompetent manner. To compensate for these imperfections, an equalizer was used to restore the beauty of the muffled parts.
The Temptation to Use It for Other Purposes Came A Little Later
The equalizer turned out to be an easy way to change the sound, which was quickly picked up by manufacturers of audio equipment, sound cards and developers of software for listening to music. Widespread access and the prospect of wide-ranging possibilities proved to be very tempting, which resulted in a rash of different equalizer settings for music: acoustic, electronic, classical, rock, and many other genres. Fans of bass sound or emphasized treble also received dedicated settings. In short, there is something for everyone.
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

Before music is released on CD or streaming services, it must go through the entire production process, including mastering. At this stage, sound engineers fine-tune the sound to fit the specific distribution method, current trends (such as the Loudness War) and the mastering engineer’s sense of beauty. Thus, the market receives a complete product, designed to be listened to without additional modifications.
The use of an equalizer can lead to hiding or even losing the beauty of the music that was perceived by the people in the studio. In addition, incompetent use of an equalizer can lead to numerous undesirable situations and effects, such as:
spilling over nearby bands and covering them with bass down
vocals and instruments deprived of their character and “that something”, excessively withdrawn or pushed out against the background of other sounds
lack of finesse and air in the treble/ rough, stinging sound/ overly emphasized or hidden sibilants
audible distortion or even damage to the audio equipment (speakers, amplifier)
The key to achieving a pleasant bass, faithful midrange and natural, precise treble is good equipment on which the music will sound as intended by the creator. Adding an equalizer to this can either improve or worsen the sound.
This is why several elements must be taken into account:
- the effect of given frequencies on the sound
- choosing the right tools
Audio Equalizers Are Divided into Several Types:
- graphic – divides the bandwidth into a specific number of parts, which are controlled by dedicated sliders. Graphic equalizer is relatively easy to use and offers a clear interface. The mentioned simplicity is both its strength and weakness. Strength, because it is accessible for both the layman and the person well acquainted with the subject. Weakness because it forces some compromises, like lack of Q value (so-called goodness of filter)
- parametric – allows precise control of frequencies, along with their visual representation. Parametric equalizer is more complex and complicated than the graphic equalizer, but thanks to that it offers useful functions, such as changing the Q
We hope this information will help you choose the right equalizer for you!
Musical Instruments
Mixing instruments is a real art, and the sound engineer has to turn to EQ more than once before he finds the sound he wants. Many instruments have such a powerful and rich sound that it is almost impossible to convey it with a close mic. This is where the equalizer comes in, with its main purpose being to bring that sound to us in its most natural form.
The transparency of the sound of many instruments can be greatly enhanced by emphasizing their harmonics. Our ear can hear them even in the lowest sounds with a seemingly narrow spectrum. Drums are one such instrument whose brightness can be significantly increased by simply reducing the gain at the bottom of the spectrum, thereby accentuating the harmonics that exist in the sound.
Setting the Equalizer in Your Car

Most car stereos are quite versatile. However, one feature is highly sought after by audiophiles, and that is EQ. Nowadays, most cars are equipped with a built-in equalizer (EQ). It allows you to adjust the different sound frequencies coming from the sound system to suit your preferences.
Here are a few steps you can take to equalize your car audio system and adjust your speakers for better sound. Once you figure out the equalizer, you can get the sound you want from your car stereo. So, let’s get started:
- Park your car before you turn on the music and adjust the sound. Never do this while driving because alignment takes time and attention, a little carelessness can lead to an accident.
- Now turn on your car stereo. Try playing music with different frequencies.
- Make the balance settings the same for both speakers. Adjust the car audio system so that all sound comes from the front speakers.
- Set all EQ bands to a flat position. That is, to 0 dB, in the middle of the EQ display (or to 0 dB if it uses a numeric style control).
- Listen to the music and notice what you don’t like. Now, by changing the bass, midrange, and treble, try to find the best sound for you. Find the best combination of bass, treble, and midrange specifically for your ear. This is a simple task. Once you have done this a few times, you will be able to quickly adjust the sound in the future. You may need this when setting up your auto amplifier: best amp settings for bass in car.
We hope this article helped you with your task!